Here at Saint David’s we have many activities and service opportunities that support the mission of the church. You are invited to learn more about each of these activities and groups and to participate in as many as you like.
Activities Committee
This lively group encourages fun and interesting activities that will maintain enthusiasm in our life as a parish community. The group organizes social activities that help us get to know each other better as well as special programs, concerts, and services to meet our spiritual and emotional needs. These events provide opportunities to invite friends and family visit Saint David’s and discover what we are about. If you are interested in brainstorming, planning activities, and carrying them out, please join this group. Email us for more information about the Activities Committee.
Altar Guild
This group cares for liturgical linens, altar hangings, vessels and candles and, with the priest, creates a sanctuary that calls the people to worship and that supports the priest in his ministry. Each Altar Guild team serves once a month. Email Us for more information about the Altar Guild.
Bread Bakers
These volunteers bake bread for the Eucharist. Volunteers rotate on a monthly basis. If you enjoy baking bread and are looking for a meaningful and fulfilling way to contribute to St. David’s, consider becoming one of our bread bakers. Email Us to learn more.
Care Ministry
This team of clergy and lay volunteers identifies pastoral needs and concerns in our congregation, offers support and assistance as welcomed and requested, and supports our rector, deacon and parish administrator in offering pastoral care. To become part of this outreach ministry, Email Us for more information.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) provide fellowship and education for the women of the church, pastoral care to each other, and financially support the good works of the wider church community. All women are welcome. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month at 12:00 noon. Email Us for more information.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in serving Holy Communion during worship. Eucharistic Ministers also typically assist in preparing the table for the Eucharistic liturgy, and lead the Psalm and the Prayers of the People. This ministry is open to persons who have been confirmed in the Episcopal Church, completed a course of training, and been licensed by the Bishop. Those interested in joining this ministry should Email Us for more information.
Food Bank Support
This group raises consciousness of the problem of hunger locally and responds to it. Members organize two annual Food Bank drives (Thanksgiving and Father’s Day), remind members of the congregation to bring food bank offerings to Sunday services, and deliver those offerings to the Food Bank. Some members also volunteer at the Food Bank. To support this effort, Email Us.
Garden Guild
These volunteers maintain and develop the gardens as a reflection of our commitment to Saint David’s. Members of the Guild as well as other members of the congregation adopt an area of the grounds to maintain. Plans for development will focus on low maintenance design. Email Us if you find satisfaction in creating neat and welcoming grounds.
Godly Play
Godly Play classes introduce Bible stories to children ages 3 to 10 years old, and to help them wonder about, and respond to, mysteries those stories express. Storytellers and doorkeepers (teachers and assistants) welcome children to Godly Play sessions in Gryphon Hall at 9:30; they and the children return to the church for the Eucharist. If you enjoy experiencing stories with children, Email Us.
Music Ministry
The purpose of our Music Ministry is to provide choral music at worship services and to support the congregation in worship. The choir sings at the later Sunday service from September through the first of June and at Evensong services a few times each year. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 4-5 pm. All who enjoy singing are welcome. Email Us to learn more.
Paper Pushers
This loyal group of volunteers assists our parish administrator in preparing service bulletins, worship booklets, parish mailings, and other small projects. Volunteers usually meet at the church office on Thursday mornings from 10-11. Email Us to volunteer.
This group of lay volunteers assist in worship by reading the Epistle and Old Testament lessons. To join this ministry, Email Us.
Secret Prayer Partners
This program pairs up women who anonymously pray for their partners without knowing who is praying for them. Participants meet once a year for a party and to reveal their identities. After the party, applicants for the coming year are matched randomly. Partners pray for each other and occasionally send cards and small gifts on special occasions. To become a participant, Email Us.
Ushers and Greeters support the congregation during worship services by welcoming everyone, providing written materials needed during the service, ensuring each person finds a place at the Eucharist circle, collecting offerings and preparing a bank deposit after the service. Email Us if you would like to help during our worship services.
Welcome Program
The volunteers in our Welcome Program ensure that everyone who comes to worship at St. David’s is welcomed; enable visitors, newcomers, and part-time members to engage easily in the St. David’s community; and support members of the congregation to be part of the welcoming process. If you would enjoy meeting new people and helping them learn about and become part of the St. David’s community, Email Us.